In addition to infrastructure projects, Ferra Construction is also active in the field of investments. The assets owned by Ferra Construction are positioned at important transport nodes and have a high development potential. We are proud that the list of our collaborators includes well-known companies such as TAP. Invest with us in infrastructure and industrial projects. If you are looking for a reliable partner in Albania, Ferra Construction is the right choice.
Investment in a space of 9,000 m2. The buildings include 56 apartments. Individual and community spaces are organized according to modern concepts for a comfortable life and in harmony with the surrounding environment.
Investimi në një hapësirë prej 9’000 m2. Godinat përfshijnë 56 apartamente. Hapësirat individuale dhe komunitare janë organizuar sipas koncepteve moderne për një jetesë të rehatshme dhe në harmoni me mjedisin përreth.
The investment covers an area of 26,000 m2.
The buildings include 162 apartments. The apartments and common spaces are organized according to modern concepts of living and community spaces.
Investimi shtrihet në një hapësirë prej 26’000 m2.
Godinat përfshijnë 162 apartamente. Apartamentet dhe hapësirat e përbashkëta janë organizuar sipas koncepteve moderne të hapësirave të banimit dhe komunitare.